Submit A Tip
Submit a Tip to the Belvidere Police Department
Use the form below to submit your anonymous tip online. This service is being provided to the public for non-emergency use, tips may not be received by us until the following day. This service is not meant to substitute for a call to request police in an emergency. In the event of an emergency, you should always contact 911.
Please read the following paragraph:
The information I’ve provided on this form below is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information could make me subject to fines, imprisonment, or both under State of Illinois Law.
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Belvidere Police Department to provide a safe living, learning, and working environment to all citizens and visitors to the City of Belvidere. The members of the Belvidere Police Department will work with all person(s) or groups to enforce, and assist in the prosecution of all violations of laws and ordinances to assure these safe environments.